What makes Dycoco unique is the thousands and thousands of hours our team has gone through teaching public speaking and then recruiting and teaching good trainers and speakers how to become great. 25 years of constantly refining what it is that makes a great Speaker and how to coach good Speakers to become great ... creating drills, practice exercises and demonstrations that push Speakers hard to grow, improve and break out of habits that hold them back.
Very few people can do this kind of coaching. Unfortunately, a tiny fraction of Professional Speakers have been exposed to high quality rigorous coaching. When they do get this kind of coaching and become aware of the enormous potential they have not tapped, they will see a whole new future filled with more opportunity.
a much better Speaker / Communicator
with a great Speaking Coach
a big revenue platform with million dollar training contracts
for Professional Speakers
A lot of public speaking coaching comes in the form of courses like Dale Carnegie or various videotaped presentations programs which are great for learning the absolute basics, but don’t do much for the person who wants to become a world class Keynote Speaker. Much of the coaching that Professional Speakers do get tends to focus on the marketing element of the business like how to get more speeches booked and develop more clients. This is great, but it is nowhere near as important as coaching on how to become a much more effective keynote speaker.
Many of the people that do eventually become great Keynote Speakers and really master the art simply have no time or interest in coaching other speakers who they might even view as their competition. Speaker’s agents may have great insight into what makes a great talk and “know it when they see it” but most likely do not have the technical skills to coach a speaker to improve their stories, animation, clarity, impact and bring their core message more to live.
Communication is an extremely intimate skill we learn from the moment we are born. Most of us did not have parents that were extraordinarily good communicators and, surprisingly, few of the teachers we had as children stood out as fantastic communicators. Giving feedback and coaching to another person often creates discomfort, defensiveness and conflict, so many of us avoid doing it and, as a result, don’t get much of it and don’t get very good at doing it ourselves.
In addition, when a person that is an average communicator (many if not most managers) gives feedback to a person about how they communicate, their credibility is often not high enough to punch through the resistance.
Dycoco LLC
Dynamic Communication Coaching