
Dycoco trains speakers the way top performing athletes are trained - With rigorous drills, practice and coaching

“If you’re a Professional Speaker and you want to get better, call Dycoco.  Then, get ready for the most challenging coaching you’ll ever get.  Don’t go to them if you just want to be told how good you are, because that’s not what they’re about.  Michael will make you aware of every bad habit you’ve gotten into and practice and coach you until you break them.  It’s not always a fun process, but wow, the results are amazing.”

​​Carl N - Author and Speaker - Change and Leadership 
  • In depth analysis of their keynotes to determine what worked, what didn’t and where the opportunities to improve are
  • A creative process to really understand the Speaker’s strengths, core message and weaknesses that need to be strengthened
  • A demanding process to determine what stories the Speaker has and what additional incidents and experiences from his/her life can be used effectively in the future as source material
  • A no baloney review of whether or not the elements of the keynote are truly supporting the most important points and overarching theme of the message
  • A close examination of the Speaker’s energy level, enthusiasm and animation and ideas on how to get these important factors to a level that will be more appropriate and effective with an audience.

When a Professional Speaker works with Dycoco, they experience the following things:

If you want to become the absolute best you possibly can when it comes to communication, influence and interactive skills, contact us now.

Elements of

a great keynote 

How to become

a great Speaker

  • Repeated rehearsal of stories, key points, openings and closings to tighten the delivery.
  • Experimenting with content to find more humor
  • Communication drills to increase vocal projection and range and ability to project power and emotion
  • Practicing the techniques that generate more rapport and connection with the audience
  • Practice, rehearsal and even more practice and rehearsal with continuous honest feedback until the bad habits disappear and are replaced with more effective communication habits.

All good coaches are demanding. They have the ability to see improvement that can be made and the steps to actualize that improvement. Dycoco is the Speaking Coach when you want to become a top tier speaker because we know how to practice, rehearse, coach, give feedback and do it again making incremental progress steadily.

What it’s Like to Work

Dycoco LLC

Dynamic Communication Coaching