Every credible study ever done on why Sales People fail has shown it boils down to 3 factors:
All the account development and CRM training in the world is simply not going to move the needle when a sales team member cannot do these things effectively. From our experience, it is a complete waste of time, energy and money to train sales people on anything else until they demonstrate mastery of these far more fundamental and important selling skills.
Dycoco, more than any training company on the planet, can quickly turn the fundamentals of selling into one of your company’s most powerful competitive advantages.
Sales Communication Tools (BSCT’s)
full list of Dycoco’s capabilities
In our opinion, far too much money is spent on the strategic elements of selling when the real problems that are preventing greater success with more members on the sales team have to do with basics like how to communicate competitive advantages more convincingly. There is a time and place for focusing on things like how to leverage social networking, maximizing the CRM, the account development process, networking, building your personal brand, etc., but it’s very important to keep in mind that all those activities, all that planning, all those keystrokes into a master database ultimately are trying to create the EXACT same thing ... more voice-to-voice or face-to-face selling conversations with people that have the authority to buy a lot of your product and/or service.
Sales Executives that focus their sales teams on MASTERING the core selling skills will get better results. The barriers to better results are generally the inability to generate high potential activity and skillfully apply a proven sales process on every sales interaction.
It truly is that simple. When Sales People learn how to verbalize skillfully the key skills that Top Performers use and then are coached rigorously to develop the right habits, they improve or leave. Too often, mediocre Sales People spread bad habits and dilute the power of the Sales Culture and they are tolerated because: