to a large training project
great top tier, high demand speakers
at selling and delivery large training projects
Surprisingly, most Speakers and Trainers have never had the opportunity to work with a great coach and get rigorous feedback and practice to develop their delivery skills. Most learn the art of public speaking by trial and error. They might take a course or two with possibly some video feedback and possibly had a job that gave them a lot of audience interaction opportunities, but they usually don’t get the kind of coaching that will help them improve their message and remove the bad speaking habits that get in the way. Just as great athletes, actors and musicians need coaches, Professional Speakers do too, but unfortunately, there really aren’t many great speaking coaches out there. Sure there are people that can look at a speech and critique it and even give helpful feedback, but that’s simply not the same thing as rigorous coaching, practice drills and in depth fine tuning to master the art of delivering a great keynote that consistently generates a standing ovation experience. If you have speakers that are good and have the potential to become great and maybe even get into that top tier, Dycoco is the resource that can get them there.
Dycoco has a long history of selling and delivering million dollar training projects to leading organizations. An effective keynote creates the absolute perfect opening to make this sale, yet very few Speakers know how to do it. Working with Dycoco, a speaker and their agent will be able to open the door to large projects that Dycoco can deliver with or without the Speaker’s help that can generate big, ongoing royalties that far surpass the fee charged for the original keynote.
In addition, most Professional Speakers that can command $5,000+ for a keynote and are busy enough to deliver 30+ events per year are probably good in terms of their keynote delivery skills. However, a relatively small percentage of the speakers delivering keynotes and breakout meetings consistently generate standing ovation experiences for their audiences. They get good ratings and feedback, but there’s a difference between a good keynote and an over-the-top, fantastic standing ovation keynote.
Turning good speakers into great speakers and showing speakers and their Agents how to build a platform that generates millions in additional training projects revenue is what Dycoco does and we do it better than anyone. Most speakers do not have the network, resources or expertise to create millions in training contracts in the afterglow of their keynote speeches. Dycoco can change that in a big way.
Billions of dollars are spent every year on business conferences and training. A small fraction of that goes to Professional Speakers as keynote fees. A much larger percentage goes toward big training/change projects on topics like sales, customer service, teamwork, management, innovation, creativity and leadership. Most Professional Speakers, even the best ones, have no idea how to convert the trust and good feelings they generate in their keynotes into million dollar ongoing projects. Instead, they often focus on add-on sales of books, DVD’s subscriptions and maybe some personal coaching.
Dycoco LLC
Dynamic Communication Coaching